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Sheridan, IN, United States
I love to do things that make me smile... Even more so, I love to do things that make others smile.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Critical Thinking – Module Three

In the article “Teachers & Technology: English with an Edge,” teacher Andie Brown (2008) of Manchester, MO discusses her integration of iMovie technology into her class room. She teaches Composition and Literature at the 11th and 12th grade levels. Using iMovie, she captures the essence of Kurt Vonnegut through modern day, short satiric films created by her students in small groups. This project is challenging, time consuming, edgy and could potentially upset some administrators, but Andie Brown (2008) sees a difference in her students and feels it is worth the effort.

I recently wrote a researched argument paper for W132 which discussed whether charter schools were a good addition to the traditional public school system. I argued that that charter schools were a good addition and Annie Brown’s iMovie project is a great example to support my claim. She kept suggesting throughout “Teachers & Technology: English with an Edge,” that the administration may not understand the project, should they happen to see the finished product (Brown, 2008). Ms. Brown teaches at a traditional public high school. I would suspect if she were teaching at a charter school, the tone of the article in reference to administration would have been a mute point. I questioned why she did not sit down with someone from her administration and explain what the project was and why it is important for the students to complete. Perhaps she thought they would say “no” from the beginning. I do not have the answer to the question now, but I have a feeling I will reference this article someday when I am in a similar situation in my own classroom.

The article was brief so there were limited suggestions as to Ms. Brown’s protocol, challenges and supplies. However, she did mention the Best Buy grant program as a way to acquire cameras. In today’s budget cutting society this type of information can be a tremendous help. Technology is constantly changing and it could be considered too expensive to outfit a classroom. Innovative ideas such as group work help to reduce the quantity of materials required but it will be important for teachers to continually look for opportunities to develop the technology through offerings such as community grants.

There are two sections in the article which caught my eye. First, Ms. Brown states, “I think it’s probably a good thing that I’m not a teacher who is new in the profession. Being ‘experienced’ or just plain fossilized is definitely a plus in this case” . I would agree that a teacher who has the background and has been with a school for awhile would have more room to freely work outside of the box. A teacher of new status would potentially be under more scrutiny right from the beginning. Ms. Brown should be commended for expanding her knowledge by taking additional coursework in iMovies and integrating the technology into her teaching. As with many people in many jobs, a person can become stale and continue on a daily basis, never pushing out of their comfort zone. I feel that it is very important in the teaching profession that all teachers, new or veteran, continue to strive for new knowledge and new ways to integrate that knowledge.

The second quote that caught my eye was when Ms. Brown reviews how her project has helped some of her students. She notes, “I recall a young man who was amazingly intelligent but so bored with school that his grades were average and below.” She later continues, “He spent way more time on this project than anything else we’d done all semester… He left high school on a high note…” . I firmly believe that all students have different ways learning and dealing with their strengths and weakness. As a teacher, I hope to determine each student’s interest and what will drive them to achieve. I will push to offer curriculum and support which taps into this area in hopes to ignite a spark in each student.

The role of the teacher continues to be more challenging with an extended diversity of students and ever changing technology. Innovative ideas, such as Ms. Brown’s idea can trigger excellent outcomes for students but they will require time and effort. It is a challenge to stay on top of technology but the knowledge and understanding will help to make these amazing ideas feasible. I look forward to this challenge and the opportunities that follow.

Brown, Andie (2008, May 15). Teachers & technology: English with and edge. Retrieved May 31, 2010, from The Journal: Transforming Education through Technology Web site:

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