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Sheridan, IN, United States
I love to do things that make me smile... Even more so, I love to do things that make others smile.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


I've setup some bookmarks on my new delicious account.  Feel free to check them out.


  1. Susan,
    When I was looking up websites for Delicious, the Indiana Standards was one I meant to nab, but obviously got preoccupied with something else, so I borrowed it from you. I also found Learning and Leading with Technology and The Praxis sites very useful, so I bookmarked those as well. Inspire is the recommended database we use at the high school I work at and I've used the OWL site many times. Thanks for sharing your web pages!

  2. Susan! Thank you for sharing your websites! I saw you had a praxis website on there so I went ahead and took that one because that is definitely something that I will be needing! I also took your plagiarism website because that is a great one to know for college! Hope your having a great summer!
