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Sheridan, IN, United States
I love to do things that make me smile... Even more so, I love to do things that make others smile.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A lil' about me...

I grew up in Green Bay, Wisconsin. (Go Pack... and Colts!) After high school, I made my way to Orlando, FL on a running scholarship and I graduated from the University of Central Florida with a degree in Public Relations/ Advertising and a minor in Hospitality Management.  After college, I ventured north to New Jersey and lived just across the Hudson River from Manhattan in Jersey City. I started my career in Hospitality working for the Marriott and eventually became a Conference Planner for JPMorgan Chase in Manhattan. After a some years in the city I eventually took a job back in New Jersey's horse country with Jet Set Sports, an Olympic Hospitality provider, working in their F&B, Hospitality and Hotel Operations department.  My main role was hotel operations which always offered plenty of challenges and excitement. Not too long ago, I relocated Indiana were I now reside in Sheridan, IN with my wonderful boyfriend, two fluffy cats and about 20 chickens.  During this relocation I decided that I wanted to go into teaching.  I wanted to enter a career that would allow me to help children grow, explore and learn, as well as provide me with a close connection to my community. I am now seeking my second degree in elementary education at IUPUI and exploring my new home of Indiana.


  1. Susan, I just have to know... 20 chickens? Wonderful boyfriend I got, 2 fluffy cats makes perfect sense, but the chickens just caught me off guard, lol.

    How do you like Indiana compared to New Jersey? I've been there once (not counting the layover I had in Newark) to do some outlet shopping with my sister in law, whose navy husband was stationed there for a few years.

    How admirable of you to totally switch career paths. I can see where your background in hospitality will be very helpful in your teaching career.

  2. Wow, you've done a lot of traveling! My mom and dad did a lot of moving around before they finally got married and settled in, but we've been in Indiana since I was in kindergarten, and I'm very happy we've stayed. I personally love the midwest :) How do you like it?

    I have a friend currently attending Purdue who's looking into majoring in Hospitality Management. It sounds like there are plenty of opportunities; she'll be very excited to hear that!

  3. Wow complete change of career, but for the better lol Teachers are of course awesome. I love the fact that someday I will get to help a child's mind expand. It will be one of the greatest rewards of my life.

  4. Susan thats so cool that you have got to do all that traveling. I have lived in Indiana my whole life and usually only leave it once a year to go on vacation. I can't believe you have 20 chickens! Thats crazy but also very cool that you live somewhere that has them. I live in an older neighborhood so all we have are cats dogs running around. Well I look forward to reading more from you :)

  5. I am a transplant myself! I grew up in Brooklyn and my brother now lives in New Jersey. I drive out there every summer with my kids and husband and we spend a week with my brother and friends that are still there.
    Your life experience will be such a help as you enter teacher education! Good luck!

  6. Wow, it sounds like you have been all up and down the East Coast. I personally probably would have stayed in Florida, but we are happy to have you here in Indian and at IUPUI. I to would like to know what’s up with the 20 chickens? Do you not like buying egg’s? lol. One last think, the Packers should have kept Brett.

  7. When I said I enjoyed bike riding in the woods I didn't mean jumping off wooden planks! Haha. No, that is some very cool stuff, but I don't know if I could do that. Pretty wild. I actually know that song in the video and like it a lot. Thanks for the video.
