My photo
Sheridan, IN, United States
I love to do things that make me smile... Even more so, I love to do things that make others smile.

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Days of Our Chickens' Lives - Podcast

Today I learned about podcasting. In the past, I have listened to podcasts for classes and for fun but this was my first opportunity to create my own. Podcasts are a unique way to add additional material to a lesson plan that does not require additional reading. It can be fun for students to utilize. As I have learned through this experience, podcasts are also a great way to share a story or information alongside some pictures whether it is for educational purposes or just for fun.

I tried to use Gcast to start but received a message stating that the program was no longer allowing new users or posts. I glanced through a few other links and settled on Yodio. Its simple format, step by step directions, and extensive help options allowed for me as a beginner to make a podcast with limited difficulty. I was hesitant to use my phone to do the audio recording but the option proved to be safe and effective. I did not see the option to record directly through a computer unless you already had an audio file saved.

I found that preparing an outline of my pictures and voice prompts before starting to upload and record helped the process to run smooth. Other than that, just clicking on the link was the best way to start.

I enjoyed this project and I hope that you enjoy the results. Please click on the link to view The Days of Our Chickens' Lives.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A lil' about me...

I grew up in Green Bay, Wisconsin. (Go Pack... and Colts!) After high school, I made my way to Orlando, FL on a running scholarship and I graduated from the University of Central Florida with a degree in Public Relations/ Advertising and a minor in Hospitality Management.  After college, I ventured north to New Jersey and lived just across the Hudson River from Manhattan in Jersey City. I started my career in Hospitality working for the Marriott and eventually became a Conference Planner for JPMorgan Chase in Manhattan. After a some years in the city I eventually took a job back in New Jersey's horse country with Jet Set Sports, an Olympic Hospitality provider, working in their F&B, Hospitality and Hotel Operations department.  My main role was hotel operations which always offered plenty of challenges and excitement. Not too long ago, I relocated Indiana were I now reside in Sheridan, IN with my wonderful boyfriend, two fluffy cats and about 20 chickens.  During this relocation I decided that I wanted to go into teaching.  I wanted to enter a career that would allow me to help children grow, explore and learn, as well as provide me with a close connection to my community. I am now seeking my second degree in elementary education at IUPUI and exploring my new home of Indiana.


Welcome to my blog.
This is my first encounter as the author of a blog so every bit of this project is new.  I have already found that there are many easy to use tabs which help guide a first-timer through the initial start up of the blog but stay tuned for many updates as I continue to explore the world of blogging.